We have the privilege of hearing from people all the time who tell us how their lives and families have been greatly impacted by our church family and ministry. Giving creates these opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise exist. Destiny Church is totally funded by you, the church. Lives that are changed every week are because you give of yourself to make it happen.

We have developed a giving platform that allows for the use of Credit, Debit and ACH gifts to be made. PushPay is a secure method to make a one-time donation or setup recurring gifts. You can click the button below to see the new giving platform, PushPay. It's very easy to use, understandable and very quick. You can also text GP4RL to the number 77977 and we'll send you simple link to the giving platform.  
Give Online

Automatic Bank Withdrawal (ACH)

ACH is a method of electronic giving that allows 100% of your tithe or offering to go toward its intended mission. Most electronic financial transactions have fees associated with them, but ACH removes that element. Setup can be done on our giving platform (PushPay). You can choose ACH as a form of giving along side of other alternatives like credit or debit cards. All can be process via our Push Pay app or right here only by pressing the "Give" button.

Cash or Check

Checks can be made out to Destiny Christian Center and placed in our giving stations or received at our offices. You may mail your checks to the church offices (Please DO NOT mail cash) - DCCI, PO Box 15300, Oklahoma City, OK, 73155. Cash is also accepted in the giving stations or in the office as well. We encourage you to use the offering envelopes provided so your giving history can be logged as a part of your annual giving records that we offer to you quarterly. This is very helpful in regard to your being able to claim these gifts during the annual tax season.

Money is Ministry

Our giving counts eternally as a sacrificial expression of our love for God and for the advance of His Kingdom. The giving of the Church family does more than just "keep the lights on." It is sown into the advancement and ministry of God's love both in the church, through the church and across the globe in other countries and missional work that we're a part of. We know that the transformed lives of people are the result of ministry and that ministry is supported and participated in by the church family.


Our giving platform, PushPay provides details around the history of your giving. We also issue quarterly giving statements so that you can evaluate your giving and also have record of each gift. Our leaders and elders meticulously evaluate budget projections and conclusions to verify that we're maximizing the use of money for the greatest ministry impact. We issue quarterly records for giving to each person privately.
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Sundays Are For Fuel
Join us on Sundays and Wednesdays! We’d love to get to know you and be a part of your spiritual journey.
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10:30am Sundays |
 7pm Wednesdays Youth, Kids & Community Groups
3801 SE 29th St. 
Oklahoma City, OK 
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Office: 405-677-1451
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